Today at 2 December 2022 4pm UTC, the UTED/USDT pair will be active in Bitmart exchange. www.bitmart.com
Bitmart has been one of the top exchanges already more than 5 years and listing in Bitmart is definitely a big achievement.
The main objective behind this listing is the United crypto card smooth operations and listing in Bitmart is one of the last pieces of this puzzle.
If you already own UTED, then You don´t need to do anything or change anything. When card systems are tested and available for everyone, we will guide you how to load the card. Value of all the chains will be equal in every blockchain and we keep all 3 chains live.
United card only currency is United token (UTED) and when user will swipe the card to buy milk or bread in the shop with his United crypto card, merchant needs to get USD (or EUR, dependent on the regions) . This USD exchange rate will be defined by the live price of Bitmart.
Cards will work only Stellar based UTED . Reason for this is, due the low transaction fees in in stellar chain, what is needed for crypto card backend operations for providing liquidity.
After the initial testing period of the cards for small circle of selected members of our community on December 2022, we will start exchanging TRC20 and BSC based UTED to stellar contract 1 to 1 value. This is expected to happen in the beginning of Feb 2023.
Anyone is able to buy and sell UTED in Bitmart exchange.
If you dont have account in Bitmart yet, then just click the link here:
Since United wallet doesnt have Stellar based UTED yet, then as of now it is the best To use Lobstr in Your Mobile devices
Iphone- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lobstr-stellar-lumens-wallet/id1404357892
Android — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lobstr.client&hl=en&gl=US&pli=1
or Stellarterm For your desktop.
BSC 0x951df2682ff9a963c4243a38d3841c9ba471b8ae
TRC20 TKstdBzdwiwhPy6mz9cGDsyNrqJrTCyq
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